40 Years of Proven Experience!
Premium childcare & Montessori-based education for children beginning at birth.

We Emphasize More than Just Academics

Grand Forks Montessori Academy’s mission is to foster growth of the whole child through a multi-sensory experience, allowing children to find their voice and express themselves with self-confidence and strong character development.

…but the Academics Are a Huge Strength

It is not uncommon in our school to see two and three-year-olds taking care of their environment, four-year olds reading and writing their letters in cursive, and five-year-olds working on dynamic multi-digit mathematics. Our curriculum presents skills at the time when children are most ready to learn. With 40 years of experience, we know our methods work.

We’re a Community

Grand Forks Montessori Academy is a community for more than just the children. We view our relationship with you as a partnership, working together for the benefit of your child. Children thrive when home and school work in harmony.

Parents Reviews

Our Programs

A Cozy Home Away from Home

0 - 18 months

It begins here. Your infant’s mind is sensitive and is developing rapidly. He is eager to makes new discoveries each day! This once-in-a-lifetime process is supported with unconditional love in our Montessori-based infant program.

Journey to Independence

18 - 36 months

Some refer to this developmental period as “The Terrible Twos.” We disagree; toddlers are terrific. We love everything about them – their energy, determination and curiosity – and purposefully created a very special place for your toddler to learn.

A Love for Learning

3 - 6 years

The Primary program, known as our 'Children's Hourse' is truly a gift to your child. Designed for children between the ages of 3 to 6 years, it is an opportunity to nurture individual development within the context of a group setting. The result? Self-confidence, joy and a lifelong love-for-learning.

The Capstone Year in the Children's House

The 3rd year of our Children's House program is truly a gift to your child. With an amazing Montessori certified teacher who has been with GFMA for 3 decades, we have the experience and knowledge that our program truly works. Children that complete our program are more than ready for first grade.

Summer Fun Activities that Expand the Brain and Heart

Our Summer Friendship Club is a fun program for students aged 6-12, and is designed around project-based learning, activities and experiences. Your child will have fun learning new things, while getting additional exposure to reading & writing, the arts, nature activities, and even regular playtime.

North Dakota's 1st Nature Explore Certified Outdoor Classroom

Proud to be the First Certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom in North Dakota, GFMA children can creatively express themselves while engaging in a healthy, outdoor environment that is designed to address their developmental needs.

Learn more about our amazing space

The GFMA Blog

Looking forward, while looking back
June 25, 2022
GFMA Students in our Nature Explore Certified Outdoor Classroom (circa 2015) What a great view! Looking into the past, as our students look into the future. As the clock ticks and we move towards our 40th year, it’s wonderful to reflect on all the children and families we have positively impacted over the years. Are you an Alumni of Little Scholarship/Grand Forks Montessori Academy? If so, check out our Private FB Group for former students/families to connect and reminisce: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GFMAalumni
Growing Lifelong Learners
June 6, 2022
Observations and perspectives from a Montessori children’s environment. Just as the seed sprouts and growing tall, reaches towards the sun, our littlest children absorb the energy and stimuli which surrounds them, growing their bodies and expanding their brains, heart and spirits. We feed our little sprouts love and attention—caring and nurturing them in an environment that allows them to explore their limits safely. They continue to grow, reaching ever upward and onward so long as we continue to observe and feed them knowledge and expose them to the wonders of the world. Since 1983, Grand Forks Montessori Academy has been nurturing the youth of the Red River Valley and Greater Grand Forks region. Learn more about our Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom: https://certified.natureexplore.org/grand-forks-montessori-academy/
Children and guide in the classroom
May 20, 2022
What, exactly, is the role of the Montessori teacher? How is it so different from that of any other teacher?
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