
Our Blog

Looking forward, while looking back
June 25, 2022
GFMA Students in our Nature Explore Certified Outdoor Classroom (circa 2015) What a great view! Looking into the past, as our students look into the future. As the clock ticks and we move towards our 40th year, it’s wonderful to reflect on all the children and families we have positively impacted over the years. Are you an Alumni of Little Scholarship/Grand Forks Montessori Academy? If so, check out our Private FB Group for former students/families to connect and reminisce:
Growing Lifelong Learners
June 6, 2022
Observations and perspectives from a Montessori children’s environment. Just as the seed sprouts and growing tall, reaches towards the sun, our littlest children absorb the energy and stimuli which surrounds them, growing their bodies and expanding their brains, heart and spirits. We feed our little sprouts love and attention—caring and nurturing them in an environment that allows them to explore their limits safely. They continue to grow, reaching ever upward and onward so long as we continue to observe and feed them knowledge and expose them to the wonders of the world. Since 1983, Grand Forks Montessori Academy has been nurturing the youth of the Red River Valley and Greater Grand Forks region. Learn more about our Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom:
Children and guide in the classroom
May 20, 2022
What, exactly, is the role of the Montessori teacher? How is it so different from that of any other teacher?
Older boy collaborating with younger boy in the classroom
May 2, 2022
One hallmark of a Montessori education is the use of multi-age classrooms.
Children working outside
By Nido Marketing March 16, 2022
Maria Montessori based her entire educational philosophy on the idea that children developed through a series of four planes. Each of these planes is easy to recognize and has clear, defining characteristics. If we study and understand these stages, we can approach our interactions with children with a new perspective.
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